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News and Events

The latest in healthcare news and events happening throughout our network.

Novel Coronavirus: COVID-19

Important Notice regarding Testing Regulations for COVID-19: Access Health Louisiana is following federal, state and local health official recommendations regarding who can be tested for COVID-19.  Please understand that we are not able to test the general public for the Continue reading

The Fight Against Childhood Obesity

Are you worried about your child’s weight?  Access Health Louisiana Pediatric providers are participating in the TEAM Up study and are currently recruiting patients for the project.  TEAM Up is a weight management study focused on getting families healthier in Continue reading

Mardi Gras Kids Checklist

Carnival kings and queens are making their way down the streets of southeast Louisiana. With the Mardi Gras season upon us, Access Health Louisiana has everything you need for a healthy parade season.  Children and seniors are very vulnerable during Continue reading

Forum on Inclusivity in Healthcare

The Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) Affirming Care Strategy Team presented their fourth educational forum, “Transgender Community Feedback Forum”, on Friday, January 17th at Tulane University. The free forum included local healthcare agencies like Access Health Louisiana who provide care Continue reading

HIV Healthcare in 2020: Building Community Awareness

The start of a new year comes with resolutions not only for individuals and businesses, but for those working in healthcare leading the fight against HIV.  2020 creates an opportunity to get new people engaged in preventing the spread of Continue reading

Welcome Acadian Care

Acadian Care is now part of the Access Health Louisiana (AHL) Network.  Acadian Care offers high quality Behavioral Health services from a team of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), therapists and counselors.  Continue reading

Cheers to Good Health in 2020

Every year people around the world set New Year’s resolutions to make positive lifestyle changes: Lose 30 pounds. Stop eating sugar. Join the gym. Quit smoking. The list usually continues with attainable goals. Yet most people don’t accomplish their goals Continue reading

Jingle Bell Bash Toy Giveaway

Access Health Louisiana (AHL) hosted its 3rd annual “Jingle Bell Bash” on Saturday, December 14th, 2019 at The Esplanade Mall in Kenner, Louisiana.  The family-friendly event provided each child with one free toy of their choice. This year’s sponsors included Continue reading

Flu Shot Fears

“Many people are concerned about the myth that the flu shot can cause the flu,” explains Nurse Practitioner Sam Obgartel.  “However, the flu shot is a killed  virus and is unable to cause the flu.”  Obgartel works for Access Health Continue reading

CCM Certificates for Patients

Access Health Louisiana (AHL) patients are celebrating the completion of their first year of participation in our Chronic Care Management (CCM) Program.   The CCM Program offers free health coaching and support for patients living with two or more chronic illnesses, Continue reading