Health Center
School Office: (225) 687-2217
Toll-free: 1-866-530-6111
August 09 – May 23
8:00 am – 4:00 pm Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Closed Sat, Sun
Behavioral Health-individual & group therapy, including: stress & anger management, anxiety, depression, trauma and relationships
Velinecia McNair, LPC
Judeth Brooks
Please welcome Velencia McNair our new Licensed Professional Counselor and Iberville Elementary Alum!
She will see students for behavioral health this school year.
Access Health Louisiana (AHL) began offering Behavioral Health services to students at Iberville Elementary in the fall of 2018. Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Velinecia McNair, LPC sees students on campus. She offers individual and group therapy counseling sessions for stress and anger management, trauma, depression, anxiety, bullying, or even relationships. Parents can request that their child be seen by Ms. McNair by either calling the front office of Iberville Elementary at (225) 687-2217 or leaving a message with the Plaquemine High Health Center at (225) 369-2510.
AHL operates school-based health services (SBHC) at four locations in Iberville Parish. Those locations include the Plaquemine High Health Center, MSA-West Academy, Iberville Optional Education Center (feeder school), and Iberville Elementary. All students must have a current consent and enrollment form on file at the health center in order to be seen by medical staff. Consent and enrollment forms are sent home at the beginning of the year; however, parents may sign their child up for services at any time during the school year. Forms may also be found on the right-hand side of this webpage.
Co-payments are waived for all students and faculty/staff enrolled at our SBHC. Commercial insurances including Medicaid and Medicare are accepted. Students who are uninsured can also receive care with a consent and enrollment form on file with the health center. Any medications prescribed for your child may be filled through the Access Health Louisiana Pharmacy and delivered to your home. We also work with nearby Walgreens and CVS pharmacies and can have most prescriptions filled at a discounted rate.
If you have an emergency outside of school hours, please call 9-1-1.
Access Health Louisiana operates 41 school-based health centers in twelve parishes. To learn more about our successful program, click here.