Congratulations, you’re having a baby! Access Health Louisiana’s Maternal Child Coordinator (MCC), Maria Matute, is here to help you navigate the road to motherhood. Our MCC helps new moms set up doctor’s appointments and tracks their progress throughout the pregnancy and delivery.
In additional to coordinating patient’s care, our MCC helps patients identify Social Determinants of Health that may be impacting them, connect patients to community resources, and assists in applying for specialized services such as: WIC, Medicaid and pregnancy classes. If you’re new to motherhood and need help getting the healthcare you and your baby deserve, call AHL’s Maternal Childcare team at 504-575-3765 for an appointment today.
Meet our MCC Maria Matute
“In the year 2022 AHL provided assistance to a total of 326 maternal patients in receiving adequate Obstetric Care in a timely manner. Even though we do not directly provide Obstetric care, we focus on a holistic approach for all of our patients. We want to ensure that we don’t only refer you in a timely manner but that we also identify any Social Determinants that might be preventing you from receiving the care you deserve. Maternal Coordination allows us to form a bond at the start of your pregnancy, prenatal journey and postpartum journey. Maternal Care does not end once your baby arrives. At Access Health, we also offer assistance in setting up your newborn with a Pediatric provider before or right after birth!”
“En el año 2022, nuestras clínicas de Access Health Louisiana proveyeron asistencia a un total de 326 pacientes maternas. El programa de coordinación maternal ayuda a que nuestros pacientes puedan recibir atención obstétrica adecuada de manera oportuna. Aunque no proporcionamos directamente atención obstétrica, nos enfocamos en un enfoque holístico para todos nuestros pacientes. Queremos asegurarnos de que no solo lo remitamos de manera oportuna, sino que también identifiquemos cualquier determinante social que pueda estar impidiendo que reciba la atención que merece. La coordinación maternal nos permite formar un vínculo al comienzo de su embarazo, su cuidado prenatal y también posparto. El cuidado materno no termina una vez que llega su bebé. ¡En Access Health, también ofrecemos asistencia para preparar a su recién nacido con un proveedor pediátrico antes o inmediatamente después del nacimiento!”
Please contact us today at 504-575-3765 to schedule a visit with our Maternal Child Coordinator. Most meetings are virtual or held at the Access Health Louisiana Kenner WIC office located at 2900 Indiana Ave Kenner, LA.
Comuníquese con nosotros hoy al 504-575-3765 para programar una visita con nuestra Coordinadora de cuidado Maternal e Infantil. La mayoría de las reuniones son virtuales o se encuentran en el Access Health Louisiana Kenner WIC 2900 Indiana Ave Kenner, LA.