Health & Wellness at the Hilton
Access Health Louisiana (AHL) is offering free blood pressure and glucose checks for attendees of the Blacks in Government (BIG) Symposium at the Hilton Riverside August 13-16th. The theme of this year’s event is “Eliminating Health Disparities in the African Continue reading

Heroes of Health
National Health Center Week (August 12th-18th) is an annual celebration that recognizes the hard work of community health centers nationwide. This year’s theme is “America’s Healthcare Heroes“. With more Americans needing Primary Care, community health centers play a vital role Continue reading
Events, News, Belle Chasse C.H.C, Kenner C.H.C., South Broad C.H.C, St. Bernard C.H.C., St. Charles – Luling C.H.C, St. Charles – Norco C.H.C, St. Tammany – Slidell C.H.C, Tangipahoa C.H.C, Woodworth C.H.C., Washington C.H.C

School Based Health Centers Welcome back Students
Access Health Louisiana (AHL) employees welcomed back students at open house events. AHL operates eleven school-based health centers in four Louisiana parishes. Students attending open house events received free school supplies, as well as information on how to register Continue reading
Events, News

AHL Participates in St. Charles Youth Rally 2018
Access Health Louisiana (AHL) participated in the annual St. Charles Youth Rally August 4th. The annual event took place at R. K. Smith Middle School on Judge Edward Dufresne Parkway in Luling. In all, AHL employees gave out school supplies Continue reading

Back to School Events are a Success!
Four successful back to school events were held this summer at Access Health Louisiana clinics in Hammond, Kenner, St. Bernard and Bogalusa. In all, more than one-thousand children received school supplies. At all locations, families were lined up one to two hours Continue reading

Supplies for Success – Back to School Giveaway!
Join Access Health Louisiana for a fun-filled kids event with FREE school supply giveaways! Giveaways available while supplies last. Children must be present with an adult to receive supplies. The Supplies for Success event will be happening at four locations: Continue reading
Events, Tangipahoa C.H.C, Kenner C.H.C., St. Bernard C.H.C., Washington C.H.C

Hurricane Season 2018
PREPARE + PREVENT + RESPOND + RECOVER + MITIGATE Family PlanSTEP 1: Put Together An Emergency Kit Be sure to include these items: Flashlight Extra batteries Bottled water (At least three gallons of water per person) Battery-powered radio Battery-powered lantern Continue reading
News, Belle Chasse C.H.C, Kenner C.H.C., South Broad C.H.C, St. Bernard C.H.C., St. Charles – Luling C.H.C, St. Charles – Norco C.H.C, St. Tammany – Slidell C.H.C, Tangipahoa C.H.C, Woodworth C.H.C., Washington C.H.C

AHL Attends Kids Expo
Annual Lakeside Kids Expo brought to you by Kids and Family Magazine. AHL was one of 50 vendors showcasing summer camps, schools, kids activities and more!
Events, Kenner C.H.C., St. Charles – Luling C.H.C, St. Charles – Norco C.H.C

National Economic Development Week
National Economic Development Week, #EconDevWeek, was created by the International Economic Development Council in 2016 in order to increase awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and increase the quality of life. AHL was one of Continue reading
Events, Tangipahoa C.H.C, Woodworth C.H.C., Washington C.H.C, St. Tammany – Slidell C.H.C, St. Charles – Norco C.H.C, St. Charles – Luling C.H.C, St. Bernard C.H.C., Kenner C.H.C.

Breakfast with the Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Andre Mayer Stolier Quality Assurance Specialist Government Relations Specialist Dental Manager