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News and Events

The latest in healthcare news and events happening throughout our network.

Everyone is Welcome Here

Access Health Louisiana (AHL) is proud to be a part of the “Everyone is Welcome Here” campaign.  The New Orleans LGBT Hospitality Alliance (NOLHA) kicked off the campaign as a way to show residents and visitors which local businesses are Continue reading

Changes in Medicaid-What it means for you!

If you’re one of the nearly two million Louisiana residents covered by Medicaid, changes are ahead.  Currently, Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals (LDHH) has contracts with five Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) tasked with overseeing the healthcare of its Medicaid Continue reading

Boo=Boo Conference offers HIV/HCV Education & Training

Access Health Louisiana’s AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) cordially invites you to sponsor our First Annual Boo=Boo HIV/HCV Conference. The day will consist of a series of four innovative presentations, which incorporate panels, talk show host style conversations, and Continue reading

The Steps to Get PrEP

“PrEP is like birth control.  Birth control pills prevent an unplanned pregnancy tomorrow, while PrEP will prevent an unintended HIV exposure tomorrow,” says MarkAlain Déry, D.O. Dr. Déry is the Chief Innovation Officer and Infectious Diseases Physician with Access Health Continue reading

Educating Healthcare Providers in the Fight Against HIV

“When it comes to HIV rates nationwide, New Orleans and Baton Rouge typically rank in the top three,” says Graham Patterson, Manager of the AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) in New Orleans.  “Louisiana ranks in the top five of Continue reading

Access Health Louisiana Abroad

Dr. MarkAlain Déry, Infectious Disease/Internal Medicine Physican with Access Health Louisiana (AHL), spent the month of June teaching in Eastern Europe.  He educated students and faculty at the Medical School of Albania about emerging infectious disease trends.  Dr. Déry is Continue reading

Celebrate Pride in June

Access Health Louisiana’s (AHL) very own Dr. MarkAlain Déry served as the 2019 local Grand Marshal of the New Orleans Pride Parade on Saturday, June 8, 2019.  Dr. Déry is Chief Innovation Officer for AHL and an Internal Medicine/Infectious Disease Continue reading

Measles Virus & Summer Travel

An estimated 41.5 million Americans are expected to travel over Memorial Day weekend according to the American Automobile Association (AAA). Even more will travel this summer. If your vacation plans include heading to a city or country where there’s a Continue reading

Achievement in Diabetes Testing

Congratulations to the Access Health Louisiana care team at the St. Charles Community Health Center in Luling. They successfully tested 100% of their 440 diabetic patients seen in the clinic in February for hemoglobin A1C levels, a standard set forth Continue reading

Free myStrength App

Patients and their families have free access to the myStrength app thanks to a partnership between myStrength and Access Health Louisiana.  myStrength is a digital behavioral health tool to improve and sustain emotional health and wellbeing.  The program focuses on Continue reading